Brand Imagery

Updated September 2023

Graphic Elements

Through the consistent and intentional application of graphic elements, we’re able to establish hierarchy, direct interaction and deliver delight – while reinforcing our brand.

Brand Shape Language

Our core shape language empowers the construction of consistent visual experiences. When applied to a grid-based foundation, we’re able to establish hierarchy, direct interaction and deliver delight – while reinforcing our brand.

The SAS Brand Shape language features rounded edges for fluid, dynamic designs. The curved edges are human and recall the shape of our S-mark.

By combining and arranging shapes in precise and bold ways, we’re able to create relevant visuals that enhance the stories we share.







Working with Shapes on a Grid

All shape compositions are developed on a 1x1 grid to ensure precision placement and a well-structured design.

Regardless of the core shapes used, aligning and sizing them based on the underlying grid will create uniformity and continuity between design compositions.

To foster the clarity we wish to convey in our visuals, all elements — including shape compositons, photography, icons, illustrations, text and our logo — much be placed with purpose and intention.

Rules for Working with Shapes

While solid shapes are favored to embrace our philosophy of being bold, transparency can be used to communicate meaning such as transition or speed.

Shapes may be overlapped or combined to create composite shapes to indicate complexity, motion or speed. Embrace opportunities to overlap solid shapes to establish whitespace.

Strokes may be applied to unfilled shapes, if essential to the visual story or to emphasize filled shapes. The stroke weight should be the minimal weight needed for clearly communicating intent and should be relative to the final display size.

Shape compositions may be rotated on a 45-degree angle to direct the eye and imply motion.

All compositions should include a circle, to reference our foundational form.

Shape Composition Examples (Core Brand)

Shape Composition Examples (Accent Color)

SAS® Viya® Shape Language

The Viya shapes are intentional selections from our core shape language. Often, these shapes are assigned specific meaning in the story of our technology. Because the SAS Viya identity utilizes shapes from the SAS core brand, there is a natural transition from the core brand to Viya experiences.

The SAS Pink Square is a distinctive brand asset that represents the powerful insights SAS technology provides our customers. Together, these shapes can be used to reflect the process of turning data into an impactful decision.

Exclusive to the Viya identity, the pink square should be incorporated into all SAS Viya promotions specific to the technology. It’s essential that only one pink square be incorporated in any composition.




Shape Compositions for SAS® Viya®

All SAS Viya visualizations should support the messsage that our technology takes users from a billion points of data to a single point of view.

Shape compositions should create a sense of movement and speed, and reflect the process of information, represented by circles, flowing into the destinaton, which is designated by a single pink square.

Shape Composition Examples (SAS® Viya®)

When compared to core brand application, the scale of the shapes used in SAS Viya compostions is smaller, allowing for more intricate storytelling and symbolizing the technical complexity of our users’ environments. Line work may be incorporated to depict complex models.

As the culmination point of the visual story, the pink square should never be obscured or be the smallest shape in the composition.


Still photography shows our human side. It allows us to embrace and represent the diverse world of SAS. Whether we want to represent people, places or things, we are always striving to create an emotional connection with empathy, innovation and optimism. Photography can also bring consistency to our brand material and give a premium feel to our work.

Situational Photography

Productivity, product results, human connection, teamwork

Photographs that depict real-life situations where people are interacting with our software should appear believable and realistic. Look for pictures where faces are highlighted and well-lit. We want to convey the message that SAS is fast, flexible and facilitates productivity.

Gritty and Natural situations, Candid, Natural-looking people whose expressions look real, not staged models. Unusual Crops, Strong Geometric composition, Interesting angles and perspectives, Demonstrating productivity

Warm, rich colors

Believable and realistic

Original Art Direction

Environmental Photography

Data representation, world impact, business outcome

We choose environmental, landscape and cityscape images that are unique, stunning in their beauty or unusual in composition. These pictures may or may not feature people. In most cases, these images will hint at representing data or data results.

Bird’s Eye Views, Unique angles, unique/interesting visual perspectives. Unusual compositions, conveys geometric feel

Rich, full color

Architectural, natural landscapes, industrial landscapes, cityscapes

Original Art Direction



Thought leadership, partnerships, human connection, success stories

We have many needs for portraits, whether showing SAS employees, event speakers, etc.

Shallow depth of field, composition to be top of head to either top of torso or midway down torso, shot straight on or three-quarter turn, may be shot at unique angles, highlights unique personality, created to be displayed off center, in a circle.

Rich full color

Any environment

Recommended Usage
Leadership, promotional, customer quotes & testimonials

Original Art Direction


Photo Illustration

Playful, immersive, brand connection & integration

We have many needs for portraits, whether showing SAS employees, event speakers, etc.

Photo Illustration is a great way to make a unique statement. By using photography mixed with brand shape language, it is possible to convey a message that is more engaging than either art style alone.

Note: when using crops of people always ensure parts of original environment are visible and integrated with graphic elements

Rich, full color imagery mixed with shapes using core brand color palette (Accent colors may be used in select instances)

Architectural, natural landscapes, industrial landscapes, cityscapes

Original Art Direction


SAS Illustrations

Sometimes a photograph doesn’t quite articulate the message. That’s where illustration comes in. We use a range of illustrated graphic concepts to communicate SAS values – and the personality and emotion that are endemic to our brand. With color, texture and shape we create curiosity, a feeling of promise and positivity that shows who we are.


Note: A new icon library is in progress. Please minimize usage of icons when possible. Moving forward iconography will not play as large of a role in the new brand.

Our icons are instant visual representations for industries, technologies or ideas. They are created with thin strokes and flat color to evoke a clean, minimalistic feel that allows them to do what icons do best — act as symbols that catch the eye and speed understanding, without telling the full story themselves. SAS Corporate Creative maintains a propreitary, custom-built icon library in this preferred style. 

Icons for use in corporate PowerPoint presentations can be found on the Presentations page.

Flat Illustrations

Flat illustration combines the full graphic language with the intentional use of the extended palette to create bold, evocative, story-driven imagery.

Composed on the grid, strong graphic shapes and sophisticated use of negative space are leveraged in the construction and framing of the illustration. This allows it to integrate with text, creating a structured but fluid experience that surprises and delights.

Flat illustrations should be clean and elegantly composed with a clear hierarchy. It is most effective when the visual storytelling complements the messaging and vice versa.

This template contains a pre-prepared grid and the extended palette. A full guide on producing flat illustrations will be available in Q2.

A full guide on producing flat illustrations will be available.

Template and Guidelines Coming Soon!

Flat Illustration Examples

Isometric Illustrations

We often use diagrams and infographics to communicate ideas and create clarity and understanding.

Isometrics can be used to describe systems and processes and add visual interest to data visualisations and representations of our products.

Be mindful that graphs and charts should prioritize clarity over style, so use isometrics only where it will not compromise the accurate interpretation of the data.


Isometrics can be used to tell stories in infographics. In most cases, this would be for marketing purposes to help explain complex concepts at a non-technical level, visualize data, and bridge the gap between user and software.


Isometric diagrams are useful tools for communicating technical processes, systems and concepts. They make use of consistent and commonly understood icon language to effectively and concisely present information.