Global Workplace Branding

Updates are ongoing. Please contact the Brand Team with questions.

Providing beautiful spaces for employees to work in has always been a priority for SAS. Many buildings feature both relaxed, quiet settings and flexible, collaborative spaces. We know that both environments are needed to foster creativity and innovation. We believe in sustainable materials and practices. Our office designs are modern and energetic, using natural light, glass, wood and other natural materials. Our public spaces are inviting and uncluttered. 

The elements in this creative guide are not intended for use as marketing materials but only as corporate real estate art. If you have any questions, please work with the Corporate Real Estate team and/or email the brand team


Go to the Teams Background page to see the amazing work of the corporate real estate team in all of the SAS offices around the globe.


This version of the tagline is intended for corporate real estate purposes and should not be used on marketing materials.

Values and Brand Framework

Inspire employees by reminding them the brand framework and the shared values we live as a company.

Employer Brand

These elements are used in recruiting efforts and to tell potential employees more about who we are.

Building Signage