SAS Logo Request for Third Parties


We have a new process and a new form. Please see our FAQ below.

Q: When should I use the SAS logo versus the SAS Viya logo?
A: The SAS Viya logo is specifically used to promote the SAS Viya technology and platform. It is not intended as a replacement for the SAS corporate logo, and it should never be used as such. In most instances, the SAS corporate logo is the primary identifier for marketing or promoting SAS to our customers and partners.

For SAS marketers: Please be aware that all uses of the SAS Viya logo require additional approval. Please email and talk to your manager if you plan to use the SAS Viya logo for merchandise, advertising, video, social media or other promotional purposes.

Q: What is the definition of third party in this context?
A: A third party is any business other than SAS or its subsidiaries.  Other companies often request our corporate logo for use in places such as listings on conference brochures, signage, booth headers, websites and other joint marketing materials. If SAS is not totally in charge of the production and distribution of the materials, then a third party logo license is required to protect SAS’ assets.

Q: What is the big deal? Why do I have to submit a form to send the SAS logo to someone outside of SAS?
A: As the most visible form of our brand identity, the SAS logo represents the intellectual resources, high standards and corporate values we have put into our software products since 1976. To help us maintain the high standards the SAS brand has come to represent to our customers, we ask that you, our employees, observe the guidelines set out in this request process. You agree that you will use the logo package delivered upon submission of this form solely for the purpose you document therein. You agree that you will not retain or share copies of these logos, or any other contents of the .zip file in your personal possession for any future use. It is incumbent upon all SAS employees to help legally protect this most valued asset and ensure that it will continue to represent the high standards of our company. If you have any questions or concerns about your ability to comply with these guidelines, contact

Q: What happened to the link to the SAS logo form in GMS and on the CMR page? I can't find it anywhere!
A: The form for requesting the SAS logo for a third party is now in ServiceNow. This is a faster, more streamlined process that will be easier to follow.

Q: What is different about the new SAS logo request process?
A: It is a totally different process, so please read the information on the form carefully. After you submit the short form, assuming you have completed it in its entirety, and uploaded the supporting documentation, check your email! You will receive the logo package which includes the logo art/files, legal license, and usage guidelines for the use of your third party in an email that you must forward verbatim to your third party.

Q: What do I do if I don't have the specific supporting documentation that is requested?
A: When you answer “No” to that question, you will see this statement: “Without documentation of the third-party relationship, your request will require further review by the logo fulfillment team. After submitting this form, a member of the team will contact you within 48 hours (US business time).” Please go ahead and submit the form. In most cases, it won’t take long for the review process. The logo team may need to consult with our partner on the legal team. This is nothing new, so don’t worry!

Q: If I have been instructed to upload the SAS logo to my third party’s website, why do I have to enter the third party contact information? And do I still have to email them the logo package? Why?
A: To fulfill our legal obligations, SAS must record all third party contact information when we are sending our logo. Additionally, you are required to email the logo package directly to your third party contact (even if you are required to upload it per their process) because it contains a legal document (Permission to Use the SAS Logo) and brand design guidelines that are meant to be emailed to a contact person rather than uploaded into a system.

Q: Why is my third party contact being asked to send the SAS logo team a proof (example of the use of the SAS logo)?
A: This is not new. We have always asked them to send us a proof. The instructions are clear, and we tell them what email address to send it to. If they send it to you, please respond to them and ask them to send it directly to We prefer that they send it directly, rather than for you to forward it to us.

Q: If I need the logo for a white paper, I probably won’t have any supporting documentation. How long will it take for that to be approved?
A: Not long. That is a typical request without documentation.

Q: How do I request the SAS logo for a SAS Partner Program member? 
A: Verify that the 3rd party organization is on the PartnerNet Local or Global list. As a SAS Partner, they should have access to the content on PartnerNet. Refer them to Sell & Showcase  · Partner Portal (

Q: How do I request the SAS logo for my customer?
A: Customers are free to make use of the SAS Promotional Images where they can download the art themselves.

 Q: How do I request the SAS logo if I am working on putting a vendor on long term retainer to make logo items for the company?
A: You should work directly with SAS’ Strategic Sourcing and Procurement team and they will lead the process of licensing the SAS logo for these vendors.